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5 Ways to Drive B2B Digital Payments Adoption

Dive into this playbook to learn how you can drive B2B digital payments adoption and what to look for when evaluating technology partners.

Dive into this playbook to learn how you can drive B2B digital payments adoption and what to look for when evaluating technology partners.

B2B payments market will reach $1.9T by 2028*

A new study projects that 80% of B2B transactions will be digital by 2025. Small businesses are interested in improving their digital payments processes—and they have everything to gain by doing so. The question is how can payment providers meet these expectations and accelerate B2B digital payments adoption?

In this playbook, you’ll learn about:
  • SMB payment challenges and the opportunities they present for payments providers.

  • Proven tips to increase B2B digital payments adoption.

  • Key considerations when finding the right technology partner.

Interested in learning more about how to fulfill SMB demands for enhanced digital payments capabilities? Download the latest playbook, 5 Ways to Drive B2B Digital Payments Adoption.

*PYMNTS, “Report: 80% of B2B Transactions Expected to be Digital by 2025”. Enabling B2B Payments for the virtual workforce study projects that up to 80% of all buyer-supplier transactions could be done digitally by 2025.