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Curiosity, Connection, and Drive: Sami’s Journey to Sales at Galileo

22 de junho de 2022

Photo of Sami Hansen

Working at Galileo allows Sales Development Representative Sami Hansen to be curious, to connect and learn with (and from) others, and to work alongside colleagues who inspire her. “I found a home that is filled with people I look up to and learn from every single day. The people on my team quickly became my family. I owe so much of who I am today to Galileo.”

Today we sat down with Sami to learn more about how she got into Sales and why she loves working at Galileo.

Your LinkedIn profile says that you are a chess master. PLEASE EXPLAIN! Are you the real-life Beth Harmon from The Queen’s Gambit?

Sami: Yes, I am currently the undefeated champion for the annual Galileo Chess tournaments. In fact, during my final interview Clay Wilkes, the former CEO and founder of Galileo, asked me “Why should I hire you?” I replied, “I saw a chess board in the cafeteria. Play me for the job. If I beat you, I’ll see you on Monday”.

What a cliffhanger! We must know, did you win?

Sami: I most certainly did! But I didn’t just play against Clay; each year, Galileo holds a chess tournament and I am proud to say that I am the undefeated champion. Somehow chess not only helped me land a career but it also has helped me gain the respect of some of the most intelligent developers in our industry!

What do you love most about living in Utah? Had to ask as we just opened a brand new office (and our Galileo Headquarters!) in Sandy, UT.

Sami: Last year at the end of winter/beginning of spring, I had the unique experience with a group of friends. We went skiing, dirt biking, and boating all in the same day. Utah is a honey pot for anyone who seeks adventure. I feel safe and challenged here.

What inspired you to get into the Sales field?

Sami: My life has been a journey of discovery, fueled by curiosity and desire to achieve results that others deemed impossible. Sales allows me to connect with people around the world to find creative solutions to complex obstacles. Before working at Galileo I was a bourbon connoisseur for Maker’s Mark. I sold liquor to the Utah Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control. Ice salesmen did not envy me to say the least. I loved the challenge but there is only so much that you can learn about bourbon. At Galileo, well, the education is endless. I found a home that is filled with people I look up to and learn from every single day. The people on my team quickly became my family. I owe so much of who I am today to Galileo.

I found a home that is filled with people I look up to and learn from every single day. The people on my team quickly became my family. I owe so much of who I am today to Galileo.

What made you accept your offer to work at Galileo?

Sami: Early on in my career, I learned that it only takes one person to believe in you for you to begin to believe in yourself. During my interview with Galileo leaders I realized that they believed in themselves and in each other. I knew that I had met my team – a team that could not only match my high-minded ambitions, but who believed in my potential. Our leaders have given me the courage to be vulnerable and let people in. You are who you surround yourself with and I couldn’t think of anyone else that I would rather be surrounded by.

Tell us more about what you do as a Sales Development Representative at Galileo.

Sami: My role, in a way, is a lot like the “sharks” on Shark Tank. I speak to dozens of companies each week that pitch their ideas, demonstrate their past successes and current positions, and describe their pain points. If the use case is right, I explain how Galileo can empower their construct, solve pain points, and introduce them to a vast network of solutions. If they meet Galileo’s qualifications they move on to the next round of conversations.

What’s your favorite thing about your role? What’s most challenging?

Sami: By far my favorite thing about my role is networking with like minded individuals. The majority of the people I speak with every day are entrepreneurs. My role doesn’t feel like selling at all – it’s truly consulting. This industry can be formidably complex. I truly enjoy being able to bring value to our clients. Plus, working at Galileo is like getting an MBA – we are constantly learning. This type of environment is an incubator for growth. When I think about areas of improvement for Galileo, it’s around cross-collaboration. The current WFH (work from home) environment has made this even more difficult, but I’ve found that proactive communication is a critical part in building strong relationships with my colleagues and clients.

What excites you most about where Galileo is going?

Sami: What excites me the most is knowing that the ones standing next to me in the trenches are some of the most capable and brilliant people that this world has to offer. When Galileo was first acquired by SoFi we were all very uncertain about what the future had in store for us. Then the global COVID-19 pandemic hit, which brought formidable surprises for the entire world. If the first two decades of the 21st century have taught us anything, it’s that uncertainty is chronic, instability is permanent, disruption is common, and we can neither predict nor govern events. What amazes me most about the people at Galileo is that when unforeseen circumstances interrupt the plan, we don’t crumble, we rally. I’ve never seen a group of people come together and find creative solutions like I have at Galileo. When I reflect on the challenges of the last few years, I just feel overwhelming gratitude for the resilience and compassion of our employees at Galileo.

What excites me the most is knowing that the ones standing next to me in the trenches are some of the most capable and brilliant people that this world has to offer.

Your passion is infectious, Sami! Thanks for sharing your perspective with us.

Galileo is hiring! Check out our open opportunities.

The individual featured is a Galileo employee. Their personal experiences, obviously, do not take into account your own specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. Results will vary.

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