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Galileo Sponsors 2020 HackTheU: Utah’s Largest Hackathon Attracts Top Collegians from Around the World for a Weekend of Coding

7 de outubro de 2020

For the fifth consecutive year, Galileo is lead sponsor of the University of Utah’s HackTheU marathon coding competition. This year’s event—the first to be held entirely virtually—expects a huge turnout because college students can compete from anywhere in the world, and participation is free of charge to undergraduate and graduate students.

Galileo CEO Clay Wilkes and SoFi’s Executive Vice President Jennifer Nuckles launch the competition on Friday, Oct. 16 at 5 pm MT with opening remarks drawing on their successful business experience.

Wilkes, who founded Utah-based Galileo in 2000, guided the company to its position as a leading API-based payment processing platform, powering superstar companies, including Robinhood (one of the highest valued fintechs in the U.S.) and the U.S. operations of international fintechs, such as Monzo, Revolut, TransferWise and Paysafe. Nuckles, who is SoFi’s group business leader for partnerships and content and earned an MBA from Harvard Business School, is also an experienced entrepreneur who started, funded and exited her own successful business.

What is HackTheU?

Work with the greatest and brightest students from around the world to make your imagination come to life with the power of technology, this year from the comfort of your own home. The next big thing comes from you, and we're offering over $10,000 in prizes for you to build it here!

Workshops and mentoring will take place throughout the event, including the Sat., Oct. 17 Galileo workshop on using the Galileo API. It starts at  11 am MT.

HackTheU concludes on Sun., Oct. 18. Submissions are due by 5 pm MT and winners will be announced at the close of the event at 7 pm MT.

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