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Digital Banking Gains Momentum as Consumers Use More Accounts for More Purposes

14 de outubro de 2021

New Galileo research shows that despite 77% of U.S. adults still using traditional banks, 43% of their funds are kept elsewhere, and 61% of consumers are somewhat or highly likely to switch to a digital-only provider

Galileo Financial Technologies, the leading global financial technology platform owned and operated independently by SoFi Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ: SOFI), today released new research, the type: asset-hyperlink id: 7B7ONgXWHsq4843PC4vVsh survey, that demonstrates growing usage of different financial tools by consumers with all generations increasingly turning to digital banking options.

Gaileo surveyed 1,000 U.S. adult consumers (ages 18-64) to understand where they keep their money, and why and how they use their accounts across traditional banks, digital-only banks, prepaid cards and stand-alone digital options. Among the key findings: 21% of adults use a digital-only bank as their primary account and report greater satisfaction (79%) compared with the 65% of consumers who use a traditional bank as their primary account and report 66% satisfaction. What's more, as digital banking proliferates, 77% of adults who use traditional banks as either a primary or secondary account keep 43% of their funds elsewhere.

The survey also revealed that despite continuing to choose traditional banks as their primary provider, consumers across all generations are utilizing non-traditional financial tools more than ever before and for more purposes. Consumers average 2.5 providers and use their primary accounts for ~4 activities and their secondary accounts for ~3 activities. However, the lines are blurring between uses across account types.

“The financial frontier is rapidly and dramatically transforming right before our eyes,” said Seth McGuire, chief revenue officer at Galileo. “Consumers are looking for financial services experiences that meet them exactly where they are: on their devices, using various applications, accessing their money both traditionally and digitally, and doing more with their money. Across this industry there is a massive opportunity to bridge the gap among all consumers and deliver highly valued engagements for those who use traditional banking and those who prefer digital.”

See the full release for key report themes and findings.

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