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Continue the Fintech Journey with Galileo

Explore exciting new financial service destinations with us at Money20/20–and beyond.

The Galileo Expedition can continue even after Money20/20—we’ve gathered additional content related to the topics covered during each of our sessions, enabling you to dig even deeper as you plot your next step toward financial services’ exciting future. 

What is covered?

The expedition goes on.

Click the links to access session recordings and other assets.

Revolutionize Your Bank with Next-Gen Core Systems

With the financial services landscape shifting rapidly to digital-centricity, many legacy banks are hamstrung by outdated core technologies with insular ecosystems, vendor dependencies and skyrocketing upkeep costs. Faced with this challenge, such institutions must reinvent, embracing a modern tech blueprint anchored in next-generation core banking platforms that can deliver the customer experiences and business efficiencies necessary to remain competitive as the industry evolves.

Start Your Tech Modernization Journey
Start Your Tech Modernization Journey

Banking’s digital transformation is driving an urgent need to modernize for financial institutions that want to remain competitive against neobanks and other digital-native challengers operating on modern, nimble, cloud-based technology stacks.

Create New Revenue Streams with a New Core
Create New Revenue Streams with a New Core

Next generation core banking systems aim to break down the barriers that limit financial institutions in their digital banking transformation process by offering financial processing platforms based on modern, scalable, flexible, and open architectures supported by the following pillar.

Why Core Modernization Matters For Banks
Why Core Modernization Matters For Banks

Customers–both consumers and business users alike–are more exacting than ever when it comes to digital banking–and many of their demands are going largely unmet.

Unlocking the Customer Experience with Conversational AI

For financial services providers, artificial intelligence offers the potential to dramatically streamline customer service processes, with AI-powered digital assistants able to address a significant percentage of customer questions without involving a human agent. But it’s not just about lowering costs. AI-optimized service can actually drive positive experiences that enhance customer engagement and satisfaction, turning a longtime pain point into a value-added differentiator.

SoFi: 65% Faster Response, Drop-offs Cut 1/2
SoFi: 65% Faster Response, Drop-offs Cut 1/2

Read the case study to learn more about how Galileo helped SoFi optimize customer support by leveraging state-of-the-art conversational AI technology.

DEMO: Cyberbank Konecta Conversational AI Solution
DEMO: Cyberbank Konecta Conversational AI Solution

One of the largest operational costs for a bank is training, managing and effectively coordinating their call center employees. Konecta helps lower that cost in three specific ways.

Unlocking the New Customer Experience with AI
Unlocking the New Customer Experience with AI

The use of bank chatbots is indeed on the rise – projected to be used by more than 40% of the population by 2025. It’s no surprise that the use of chatbots in banking is estimated to generate operational cost savings of $7.3 billion globally, but the real opportunity goes well beyond the basic chatbot and simply trimming business expenses.

Jumpstart Payment Fraud Prevention

Fraudulent payment card transactions are forecasted to reach $38.5 billion in volume by 2027. To protect against this ever-evolving fraud threat, businesses must meet the challenge head-on, leveraging artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies to analyze transaction data, as well as tapping insights from experts who know how to interpret fraud trends in real-time. In this environment, it’s critical for corporate leaders to ensure their defenses are up to the task, so they can focus on what’s most valuable: serving their customers and growing their business.

A prevenção moderna de fraudes requer soluções modernas
A prevenção moderna de fraudes requer soluções modernas

Os actuais autores de fraudes estão a perpetrar novos esquemas a grande velocidade e escala, e o impacto para as empresas é de quase 30 mil milhões de dólares por ano. As transacções de fraude com cartões de pagamento aumentarão 20% para 38,5 mil milhões de dólares até 2027.

The Guide to Payments Fraud Detection
The Guide to Payments Fraud Detection

To help you evaluate what’s really needed to quickly and cost-effectively detect and minimize payments fraud, protect your organization and minimize friction for good customers.

Plataforma de Risco de Pagamento da Galileo
Plataforma de Risco de Pagamento da Galileo

A Plataforma de Risco de Pagamento da Galileo é um motor de análise de risco em tempo real e detecção de fraudes que capacita bancos e fintechs a se manterem à frente das ameaças de fraudes existentes e emergentes. Utilizando regras, aprendizado de máquina, inteligência artificial e dados de consórcio, a plataforma identifica e analisa padrões e anomalias, garantindo transações seguras para os clientes.

BNPL: The Golden Opportunity for Financial Service Providers?

Established Buy Now, Pay Later providers often rely on limited customer data when making lending decisions–an approach that has raised risk flags and drawn attention from regulators.

This increased scrutiny of prevailing digital point-of-sale financing models could be a prime chance for financial services players to get into the game, leveraging some key advantages to better serve one of the fastest-growing demand areas of financial services and capitalize on what could be a transformative market opportunity. 

Compre Agora, Pague Depois
Compre Agora, Pague Depois

Agora, bancos e fintechs têm mais controle sobre planos de pagamento, e nossa nova solução oferece flexibilidade de pagamento para mais consumidores nos Estados Unidos.

Where BNPL Fits in the Future of Banking
Where BNPL Fits in the Future of Banking

From banks to credit unions and neobanks, financial institutions should ride the wave of demand for consumer-friendly BNPL solutions, or risk being swept away from their most valuable customers.

Como Instituições Financeiras, Fintechs e Pequenas e Médias Empresas estão Reinventando as Finanças
Como Instituições Financeiras, Fintechs e Pequenas e Médias Empresas estão Reinventando as Finanças

Opções de pagamento parcelado - frequentemente referidas como Compre Agora, Pague Depois (BNPL) - estão criando mudanças comportamentais que alteram como consumidores e empresas interagem com provedores financeiros e varejistas.