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In-Depth Guide to Payment Account Providers

3 de dezembro de 2019

The ‘industry’ is often criticised for not being open, for not having providers in certain sectors, certain payment schemes or accounts. This report clearly shows how far the industry has progressed

Galileo Financial Technologies is proud to sponsor the first edition of the Emerging Payments Association’s Guide to Payment Account Providers released today. The guide provides an independent, objective summary of providers. Our support of this guide and our role as benefactor to the EPA’s Open Banking Project is fitting because open APIs are the backbone of Galileo, a global enterprise payments platform that is the API standard for card issuing.

Through the combination of our flexible platform and powerful open APIs, we power world-leading fintechs, financial services and investment firms by removing the complexity of payments. Galileo’s clients, including many headquartered in the UK and Europe, code to our open APIs and then test the payments programs they create in our free-to-use simulator sandbox, which provides a secure environment for innovation and iteration.

Using embedded tools, developers can instantly create single-click code fragments in popular programming languages to open test bank accounts and issue test cards—physical and virtual—with only a few lines of code. We encourage all businesses and developers interested in developing payments products to give our open APIs a try and to test their innovations in our sandbox, all of which are available free of charge and without obligation at www.galileo-ft.com.

We are honored that we can count leading UK and Europe fintech organisations among our friends, colleagues and clients. We look forward to expanding these relationships over the coming years and deepening our association through our mutual support of the EPA.

Access the guide here.

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